As A/C systems are made smaller and more efficient, so are their components.
The evaporator core is the part located behind the dash in the heater box, later model cars have seen this component reduce in size but become more efficient in its operation. Evaporator cores can leak the gas out of the air conditioner, which we have seen an increase in recent years of this components failure rates through leaks, and in some cases the replacement costs can be significant. Most modern vehicle require the dash assembly to be removed to access the core for a replacement to be done. CMS AutoAir are experienced in dash removals and have done this type of repair for many years. We are fully equipped to take on this type of repair. All models…Subaru Prado Kluger
Technical Point
The evaporator removes the heat and humidity from the inside of your car which has entered through a window being down or a fresh air mode being used for too long.
The easiest way to describe how it works is: (It’s a bit similar to the fly spray advert with the fly flying into all the fly spray)
Billions of drops of liquified refrigerant are atomised and sprayed into the cores pipes and then vaporised when warmer air passes over the core and in this process the moisture (humidity) in the air is snap frozen, then defrosts and drips outside on the road.
The by product of all this operation is the fan blows cool air out the vents to keep you cool!
Tip: If you have a smell/odour inside the car OR someone has had a cold that’s been in your car… Use Glen 20 to eliminate the odour & kill the bacteria and viruses, just spay for approx 10 sec down at passengers side feet area while the fans are on, this will suck the Glen 20 up through the evaporator core & you won’t have to relive the cold…& the car smells fresh again!